
JCR Category: Business in ESCI edition

Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues Open access
Journal Impact FactorTM (2023) 1.2 Q4
Journal Citation IndicatorTM (2023) 0.33 Q3


Security and defense are truly a priority for the member states of the European Union: fact of hoax?

Radoslav Ivančík, Pavel Nečas

1362    509

The impact of GDP on M&A volume in the European area in the context of the consolidation of the banking market

Ivana Kravcakova Vozarova, Martina Kosikova, Jaroslava Heckova, Alexandra Chapcakova, Maria Fulajtarova

1014    554

An analysis of the impact of selected predictors for cross-border M&A activity within the European area

Alexandra Chapcakova, Jaroslava Heckova, Miroslav Gombár, Štefan Gavura, Dagmara Ratnayake Kascakova

1538    660

The impact of monetary and fiscal policy variables on the EU economic growth. Panel data analysis

Joanna Stawska, Katarzyna Miszczyńska

1790    757

The degree of fiscal decentralization in European Union countries in different stages of the economic cycle

Anna Wichowska

2522    971

Modern trends in the economic differences between countries and within them: comparison of the world and the European Union

Vera Komarova, Natalya Selivanova-Fyodorova, Oksana Ruža, Jerzy Kaźmierczyk, Iluta Arbidane

2551    1277

Green growth assessment discourse on evaluation indices in the European Union

Agnė Šneiderienė, Rasa Viederytė, Lilita Abele

2920    1265