2022-02-26 | Accepted:
2022-04-16 | Published:
The essence of entrepreneurial management in the SME sector in Poland
The main objective of the article is an attempt to identify/identify the elements of entrepreneurial management, which are the most important for SME sector enterprises in Poland. The author will also try to indicate the key dimensions of entrepreneurial management in the surveyed entities and the dominant behaviors related to the concept of entrepreneurship among the owners of the surveyed companies. In addition to the literature analysis, as another research method, the author chose a survey in the form of a structured interview with business owners - the survey was conducted in 2020 in 200 purposively selected enterprises of the SME sector, which are based in Poland. After analyzing the literature on the subject and the results of the conducted survey, bearing in mind, of course, its pilot character, the author specified 4 dimensions of entrepreneurial management: competencies of decision-makers (management), entrepreneurial management practices, entrepreneurial culture in a given enterprise and innovation orientation/direction. According to the author, they form a construct of entrepreneurial management and allow to assess the level of enterprise development (direction and pace of changes) depending on selected factors of local and institutional environment, internal factors, level of achieved financial results, sources of financing.
entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial attitudes, entrepreneurial management, Entrepreneurial Orientation
JEL classifications
, M10
, M12
, M21
, O11
This is an open access issue and all published articles are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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