2020-10-25 | Accepted:
2020-12-22 | Published:
The efficiency evaluation of public procurement of medical equipment
At present, the health systems of many countries face complex challenges even if their priority objectives remain the same - to provide sustainable health systems at the current and the prognostic demographic changes and requirements in a health system. The quality and the efficiency of healthcare delivery and their mutual conformity have been brought to public attention. Similarly, the quality and the efficiency of an entire process depends on the instrumentation and its procurement that represents a significant economic and procedural issue in the healthcare systems for a long time. Many reports of the public procurement processes and research studies declare this fact. The primary aim of this study is to evaluate the public procurement efficiency in the health system by means of the valuation approach, or savings’ estimates that are achieved by the public procurement. The savings were defined as a percentage difference between the estimated and the final contract price. The secondary objective is to examine an influence of selected variables on a creation of savings in the public procurement process by means of a regression analysis. The researched variables are as follows: time, method, procurement, NUTS level of procurement, Common Procurement Vocabulary Code, number of offers. The analysis results showed interesting findings. The number of offers has a significantly positive impact on the savings. It means that if the number of offers increases by one unit, the savings will increase by 15.6%. Also, time variable (year) has a positive impact on the savings. Consequently, it may be assumed that the public procurement process is improving from a time perspective. It may be partially caused by the fact that a new public procurement legislative has been valid since 2015. The NUTS level has also an impact on the savings in relation to the public procurement. The public procurements which took place at the level of a state were more beneficial as the public procurements at the regional level. Also, the procurement method was statistically significant parameter of a regression analysis. The competition actions together with a negotiation process created higher savings in comparison to tenders. In case of the CPV codes, the most significant savings were achieved in the group of ‘various medicinal products’. The study’s results provide a valuable knowledge for the creators of policies and a realization of the national strategic plans within the health system. Also, these results support a creation of national and international benchmarks in this area and a networking of international partnerships in the area of a public procurement that focus on a development of methodologies and comparative platforms creation.
public procurement, public procurement efficiency, medical equipment, patients’ satisfaction, public procurement efficiency determinants, savings
JEL classifications
, H32
This research was supported by the Internal Grant Agency of FaME Tomas Bata University in Zlin: RVO/2020: “Economic quantification of marketing processes that focus on value increase for a patient in a process of system creation to measure and control efficiency in health facilities in the Czech Republic”.
This is an open access issue and all published articles are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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