Forms of organization and spatial concentration of local food systems. a case from Poland
A close analysis of the modern combined agri-food industry shows two prevailing development trends. The first one is the trend towards mass-produced food based on high impact production methods and delivered through long supply chains. The second trend suggests growing popularity of local food. Local food systems constitute an alternative approach to the production and consumption of food and fit in the idea of sustainable development. We may analyze local food systems at various levels, with respect to their environmental action, local communities, and regional economy. The article is an analysis of the forms of organization and spatial concentration of local food systems in Poland. Forms of entities such as: direct sale, agricultural retail sale and, marginal, localized and restricted activities are described. The forms of organization are not only continually changing, but they also vary from country to country, which contributed to the decision to undertake this research. The article presents the spatial diversity of individual local entities both in absolute terms and in relation to selected regional features. The analysis of the spatial structure of direct sales revealed concentration of DS entities in the south-west and central Poland. The regions of large spatial concentration of agricultural retail trade are the Warmińsko-Mazurskie, Lubelskie, Dolnośląskie and Mazowieckie provinces. The entities in the last studied group, i.e. marginal, localized and restricted entities, are present in great numbers across Mazowsze, Little Poland, and Silesia. The study was conducted based on methods such as review of literature and legal acts, methods of graphic presentation in the form of maps and calculation of the localization coefficient. The presented analysis allowed the researcher to determine the organization and localization of the local market in Poland. The results of the study may become guidelines on regional policy and new business action development.
local food systems, forms of organization, spatial concentration, marginal, localized and restricted activities, direct sale, agricultural retail trade
JEL classifications
L22 , L23 , L66 , O13 , Q01 , Q13 , D47 , F64
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