Labor opportunism as a blocking factor for the innovative development of industrial enterprises
The innovative way of enterprise development depends on many issues in the framework of legislation, financing, infrastructure, human resources, technological base, information, and other areas. The current study analyzes the factors that determine the manifestations of labor opportunism and its forms based on functional and resource approaches, taking into account institutional and economic constraints among workers in the energy industry. The results of a sociological study on the forms of opportunistic behavior at the enterprises of the energy industry are presented. The results of the study indicate that labor opportunism is one of the significant factors that block the innovative development of an enterprise. It has a major impact on labor relations as long as one of the conditions for the emergence of opportunism is a conflict of interests between the employee and the employer. It occurs when the interests of one economic agent run counter to the interests of another. This is proved by the results of assessing the influence of various factors on the opportunism level of employees of energy enterprises and is based on correlation and regression analysis. In the framework of this study, labor opportunism is understood as a form of selfish behavior of an employee pursuing personal gain as a response to a conflict of interests between economic agents in the course of labor activity. The conclusions reached suggest that labor opportunism should be considered as a blocking factor when designing the innovative development of an industrial enterprise. Measures aimed at overcoming labor opportunism, building trust in the team and raising the level of innovation in enterprises are proposed.
labor opportunism, innovative development, innovative activity, opportunistic behavior
JEL classifications
D73 , Q01 , E26 , E65
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