Methods and instruments of government control of grain products subcomplex
It is known that the need to manage the sustainable development of the grain economy actualizes the search for effective solutions to problems and achieve socio-economic indicators of the functioning of all structures of the agro-food complex of the country. That is why in the conditions of deformation of market conditions and globalization of the economy grain production as a complex multifunctional and dynamically changing system that performs a wide range of economic functions, should be given priority by the government. This is particularly important in view of the fact that the unfavourable macroeconomic conditions for grain farming created during the initial period of market reforms contributed to the serious destruction and degradation of its production potential, which actually led to an aggravation of the crisis situation in the reproduction process. However, in the recent period, the existing system of grain farming has become more actively subject to improvement, including through the implementation of a multidimensional state grain policy, including its price, tax, credit, financial, insurance and tariff components. At the same time, agricultural producers have the opportunity to take advantage of more affordable short-term and long-term loans, to attract budget subsidies to repay part of the fixed interest rate on previously attracted loans, as a result of which a certain positive trend was noted for the financial recovery of agricultural (crop) and grain processing enterprises.
grain policy, grain products subcomplex, regulation, conjuncture, mechanism, grain market, conditions, subjects, methods, tools, impact, prices, raw materials, competition, processing
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