2018-08-15 | Accepted:
2018-12-15 | Published:
Conflict resolution approaches towards smart sustainability of internal relations
Each country has to be able to develop efficient economic policy, facilitating sustainable economic development of national economy. In order to devise such policy, development patterns of a country have to be known, external threats indicated and various scenarios of their impact has to be foreseen, their impact forecasted and discussed (Tvaronavičienė, 2018). Conflicts within the environment of international relations, whether these are domestic or interstate, have become one of the most intensely perceived security problems of the contemporary world. Their nature is usually violent, accompanied by human casualties, which may escalate to humanitarian crises and may cause enormous material, population and ecological damage. Regions in conflict are the source of population migration, increasing pressure and they become a suitable environment for the formation of radical and terrorist groups. The destructive force of conflicts causes an economic decline of countries and, thus, increases the differences between stable regions and countries and those regions and countries with ongoing conflicts. The resolution and prevention of conflicts within international relations is a multidisciplinary approach, which draws on psychology, sociology, mass communication, development studies, studies of international institutions and political science, security studies and, in particular, on the study of international relations. In this contribution we present proposal of conflict resolution approaches due to the smart sustainability in the content of social systems, especially in international relations.
conflict, security, negotiation, facilitation, mediation, arbitration, adjudication, conflict resolution
JEL classifications
, K22
, K33
This research was supported by the outcome of the project "Analysis and Simulation of Information and Security Threats Workplace (PASIBO)", which has received funding from the European Union's Grant Agreement Number OPVaV-2015/1.1/03-SORO, ITMS code 26210120044.
This is an open access issue and all published articles are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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