2018-06-10 | Accepted:
2018-11-26 | Published:
Improving the system of labor incentives and stimulation in oil companies
The article addresses the issues related to improving the efficiency of the incentives’ system at the level of oil-producing structures through the improvement of its financial component. It refers to improving the grading system, which is a fairly semipolar remuneration plan in oil companies. The problem of reaching the maximum wage level for employees in the grading system and reducing its incentive function has been considered in its entirety. The development of an efficient, transparent system of personnel incentives is a relevant problem for many companies. The paper reveals the causes of this problem and possible ways to solve it, and also considers the technology of the grading system formation at an oil-producing enterprise. Expansion of grade levels is one of the priority areas for improving the grading system. The pay range is justified with the purpose of ensuring a competitive pay level for different groups of positions. The need for regrading – the revision of the system of ten-tier wage structure of grades to a larger scale, with a large number of pay ranges – is confirmed by the estimated efficiency of the measure. Besides, the paper considers the expediency of shifting oil field employees to grading system payments.
incentives, grade, oil company, method, regrading, personnel
JEL classifications
, M54
This is an open access issue and all published articles are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Plenkina, Vera Vladimirovna
Osinovskaya, Irina Vladimirovna
Journal title
Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues
Issue date
December 2018
Issue DOI
ISSN 2345-0282 (online)
VšĮ Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Center, Vilnius, Lithuania

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