If obtained professional competences are suitable for sustainable entrepreneurship: case of Vilnius University of Applied Sciences
Article analyses theoretical definition aspects of competencies and professional competencies. Paper presents various definitions of competencies provided by different authors. Moreover this paper provides summarized understanding of professional competencies. This article analyses how employers who hire Vilnius College graduates perceive their professional qualities and competencies obtained during studies. Respondents of this research identified that they make hiring decisions based on individual interviews, recommendations and selection testing results. They are satisfied with all graduates, who eagerly improve their professional skills in various areas of expertise. Graduates have adequate theoretical knowledge base, decent organizational skills and have enough knowledge of foreign languages. General qualities of graduates were highly evaluated. This paper has showed that personal qualities have an impact on professional activities; these qualities are responsibility, activity in workplace and efficiency. Bank employers are willing to cooperate with Vilnius College faculty of economics administration. Primary areas of cooperation would be: “discussing content of internships” and “setting aims of internships”.
competencies, professional competencies, general competencies, special competencies, abilities
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