The comparative analysis of technology transfer models
The evolution of technology transfer models is considered in this article with the aim to compare different historical technology transfer models and to analyze main driven factors of technology transfer models evolution. From business administration point of view, technology transfer is process, which involves inhomogeneous participants from academia, government and business. The necessity to balance interests of many different participants with different goals, value systems and resources makes the administration of technology transfer as a very complicated task. In different times this task was solved by different ways and we consider the process of technology transfer models evolution from 1945-1950s until present time trying to identify main reasons, which forced the transformation of technology transfer models. We start consideration from identifying the main reason of varieties in terminology, which is important to create the basic frame for further consideration, after that we consider main classes of technology transfer models – linear, parallel sequential non-linear and back feed nonlinear – and make some forecasting about technology transfer models evolution in future.
technology transfer, technology transfer models
JEL classifications
The paper was supported by the project "The Development of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Latvia in Compliance with the Smart Specialization Strategy" within the National Research Program 5.2. "Economic Transformation, Smart Growth, Governance and Legal Framework for the State and Society for Sustainable Development - a New Approach to the Creation of a Sustainable Learning Community (EKOSOC-LV)".This is an open access issue and all published articles are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License