Silent issues of ICT era: impact of techno-stress to the work and life balance of employees
The article aims to reveal the impact of techno-stress related to the usage of ICT on work and life balance of employees in Lithuania’s organizations. The objectives of the research are twofold: to indicate the sources of techno-stress related to ICT usage at work in the Lithuania’s organizations and to identify the impact of the issue on the work and life balance of employees. The paper presents an original research. The research is based on previous results of the analysis of computer mediated communication characteristics in Lithuanian organizations (Raisiene, Jonusauskas 2011; Raisiene 2012). Theoretical background of the given research is based on meta analysis and especially on the works of Tarafdar et al. (2011); Murray, Rostis (2007); Ayyagari et al. (2011); Park and Jex (2011). A questionnaire survey was applied for the empirical research. The survey was organized with the help of viral network, which involved social networks and chain e-mails. This method theoretically enables the whole researched population to take part. Method is useful due to its ability to reach significantly more representatives of different professions and sectors in a short period of time and with minimal resources in comparison to the method of sending questionnaires to particularly chosen organizations. The data of the empirical research was processed using a program SPSS Statistics. The results of the research reveal that employees in Lithuania are working under high techno-stress conditions that are formed by objective changes in global environment, organizations’ leaders‘ attitude to ICT possibilities of increasing employee work efficiency, and by the behavior of the employees themselves. 75 % of the employees are affected by techno-stress, and 41 % of the respondents are suffering from work and life imbalance. It is necessary to critically appraise the benefits and disadvantages of life and work style, and to learn to better adapt in the environment of new technologies. It should be highl ighted that a big part of this responsibility should be taken by the leaders of organizations. There were no preceding researches on employee techno-stress in Lithuania. It is hoped that the results of the research will make this important problem more relevant, as it has an influence on organizations’ efficiency, people’s life quality and development of healthy society.
Techno-stress, work and life balance, Information and communications technology (ICT), organization management, life quality, Lithuania
JEL classifications
M10 , M15
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