2023-02-17 | Accepted:
2023-05-09 | Published:
Impact of task assignment on effectiveness in work teams
Managerial work in all businesses worldwide aims to achieve subordinates' successful completion of work. Assigning tasks is one of the daily activities of a manager and significantly impacts the quality of work submitted. This paper focuses on task assignments and their effectiveness in work teams. From October 2022 to January 2023, a questionnaire survey was conducted, which pursued the goal of task assignment efficiency. Respondents were asked about their preference for specific assignments, the types of information they prefer in projects, and their priorities within the work allocation. At the same time, respondents rated other aspects related to effective work assignments, such as the meaningfulness of the work, responsibility for performance or autonomy, competence to complete the task or their level of involvement and relationship with the person assigning the task. In January 2023, a focus group survey was conducted with ten students. The respondents carried out the assigned task, and the whole task process, including its outcome, was mapped. The paper presents the results of the questionnaire survey in the form of graphs, including the authors' comments with the support of more complex statistical methods; the results of the focus group are graphically displayed in a semantic differential, and the conclusion of the paper is oriented towards specific recommendations for teachers, managers, or leaders for whom assigning tasks is their daily bread.
task efficiency, task assigning, work team effectiveness, assignment types, managerial work
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