
JCR Category: Business in ESCI edition

Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues Open access
Journal Impact FactorTM (2023) 1.2 Q4
Journal Citation IndicatorTM (2023) 0.33 Q3
Received: 2022-11-11  |  Accepted: 2023-03-14  |  Published: 2023-03-30


Conflicts and natural disasters as drivers of forced migrations in a gravity-type approach


The literature identifies three main drivers for forced migration, namely conflict, food insecurity, and natural and man-made disasters, although finds no empirical consensus on the association between climate change and migrations. Aim of this study is to identify the different push and pull factors of forced migration in different regions of the world by means of gravity-type models. Particular attention is devoted to determining the effects of climatic factors and conflicts, while controlling for the economic, political and social relationship between the origin and the destination countries. We model both total forced migration, that includes refugees, asylum seekers, internal displacements, and returnees, and cross-border forced migrations. Finally, we consider a full panel data analysis and estimate both fixed effects and random effects model specifications.


forced migration, Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), conflicts, natural disasters, climate change, gravity models

JEL classifications

C23 , D74 , F22 , O15 , Q54






We acknowledge financial support from the Italian Ministry of University and Research, Scientific Research Program of National Relevance (PRIN) 2017, project "Innovation for global challenges in a connected world: the role of local resources and socio-economic conditions".

This is an open access issue and all published articles are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License


Buzzanca, Luca
Gran Sasso Science Institute, L'Aquila, Italy
Articles by this author in: CrossRef |  Google Scholar

Conigliani, Caterina
Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy
Articles by this author in: CrossRef |  Google Scholar

Costantini, Valeria
Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy
Articles by this author in: CrossRef |  Google Scholar

Journal title

Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues





Issue date

March 2023

Issue DOI


ISSN 2345-0282 (online)


VšĮ Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Center, Vilnius, Lithuania


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