
JCR Category: Business in ESCI edition

Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues Open access
Journal Impact FactorTM (2023) 1.2 Q4
Journal Citation IndicatorTM (2023) 0.33 Q3


Development of mutual agri-food trade between Kazakhstan and China

Nazym Dabyltayeva, Gyuan Ma Min, Gulnara Baikushikova, Assiya Kuzembayeva

439    170

Dynamics of human capital development and competitiveness in selected European countries

Veronika Žárská, Eva Smetanová

439    186

Approaches towards human capital management in SMEs

Nikola Štaffenová, Alžbeta Kucharčíková, Emese Tokarčíková

503    238

Innovation performance of V4 countries

Denisa Hanáčková, Ivan Takáč

658    295

Performance measuring of wood-processing microenterprises through Data Envelopment Analysis: A case study of Slovakia, Poland, and Bulgaria

Mariana Sedliačiková, Nikolay Neykov, Ján Dobrovič, Anna Šatanová, Mária Osvaldová, Mykola Palinchak

972    383

Risk factors' prediction model for the investment evaluation

Alica Tobisova, Andrea Seňová, Robert Rozenberg

760    396

Research and innovation for sustainability transformation – modern outlooks and actual challenges

Bogdan Fleacă, Elena Fleacă, Sanda Maiduc, Ionut Marius Croitoru

1320    549

Propulsive forces of economic growth in Slovakia: the inference from the input-output table data

Martin Maris

1521    1085

Shaping a comprehensive government-supported country brand program

Victoria V. Perskaya, Bari G. Khairov, Nikolay S. Revenko, Saida M. Khairova

3243    1448

Basic directions for forming perspective forms of agricultural integration

Mariana K. Barcho, Olga V. Otto, Hafis Ahmed oglu Hajiyev, Vadim O. Samusenkov, Lyudmila N. Korshunova, Natalia O. Vikhrova, Nikolay N. Nikulin

3494    1683