
JCR Category: Business in ESCI edition

Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues Open access
Journal Impact FactorTM (2023) 1.2 Q4
Journal Citation IndicatorTM (2023) 0.33 Q3


Innovative business development in the digital economy

Sergii Bogachov, Tetiana Pluhatar, Olena Plakhotnik, Olha Alieksieieva, Volodymyr Bondar

3295    1252

Legal regulation of entrepreneurial activity in the national security system

Olha Bezpalova, Maryna Yunina, Svitlana Korohod, Kristina Rezvorovich, Tsahik Ohanisian

2913    1415

The role of national plans in developing the competitiveness of the state economy

Nikolay I. Dorogov, Ivan A. Kapitonov, Nazygul T. Batyrova

2872    1695

Problem loan management in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union

Kalamkas Rakhimzhanova, Serik Makysh, Botagoz Saparova, Baurzhan Iskakov

3056    1373

Expert assessmen of entrepreneurial activity development: a case study

Aizhan Tleuberdinova, Zhanat Shayekina, Dinara Salauatova, Altyn Amerkhanova, Aissulu Ramashova

3751    2004

Investigating the relationship between entrepreneurial activity and economic growth: a case of Middle East

Ahmad Fathi Alheet

3708    1852