
JCR Category: Business in ESCI edition

Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues Open access
Journal Impact FactorTM (2023) 1.2 Q4
Journal Citation IndicatorTM (2023) 0.33 Q3


Foreign direct investment as a factor of trade development: cases of selected countries

Halina Shmarlouskaya, Natallia Shalupayeva, Alina Danileviča, Alina Betlej, Ludmila Aleksejeva

2643    1736

Debt and investments: analysis of selected countries

Talant Kaliyeva, Lyazzat Sembiyeva, Aida Zhagyparova, Azyk Orozonova, Gulzhan Tazhbenova, Zhanat Tulegenova

2816    1380

The influence of foreign investors on the development of Polish enterprises – a case study of the BPH bank

Waldemar Milewicz

2360    1307

The remittance inflows in Visegrad countries: a source of economic growth, or migration policy misting?

Ladislav Kabat, Luboš Cibák, Stanislav Filip

2908    1365

Japan's digital advance policy towards performance in multilateral ASEAN's innovation business

Somnuk Aujirapongpan, Yaninee Songkajorn, Supit Ritkaew, Sirichai Deelers

3338    1729

Transnational corporations in private international law: do Kazakhstan and Russia have the potential to take the lead?

Aigul Nukusheva, Gulzhazira Ilyassova, Larisa Kudryavtseva, Zhanna Shayakhmetova, Amina Jantassova, Larisa Popova

3119    1718

Determinants of the Indonesia's current account balance: an error correction model approach

Nur Feriyantoa

3240    1714

The role of foreign direct investment in the economy of Slovakia

Judita Táncošová

4043    2219

Regional spillover effect to Gross Regional Development Product (GRDP) in The Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Nur Feriyantoa, Muafi , Dityawarman El Aiyubbic

4410    1789